
Showing posts from August, 2011

China’s First Aircraft Carrier…Don’t Panic.

On August 10, 2011, the first Chinese Aircraft carrier embarked on its maiden voyage.  This signals a boost in international prestige for China, as well as a big step in modernizing their military.  However, I cannot help but read article after article as to how this can be a threat to the United States and its interests.  I have read headlines that range from “the end of American naval dominance” to “their aircraft carrier can complete with the United States’”.      Lets take a further look at this from a different angle than that of the mainstream media.  China’s first and only aircraft carrier, so far, is not a brand new construction.  Formerly known as the Varyag, this is a Soviet era aircraft carrier that was purchased by China from the Ukraine, a former Soviet Bloc nation.  In comparison to the aircraft carriers deployed by the United States, this is extremely limited in capabilities.  The Varyag will only be able to ...

Is the debt deal a good deal for the United States?

It appears that the United States defaulting on its loans has been averted after a deal has been made between Congress and the White house in regards to a debt ceiling increase.   However, there are still very important questions regarding America’s stability and growth as we move passed the debt deal.   To be direct, the path we are on as a nation is unsustainable! The United States has a national debt of over $14 trillion and for every dollar it spends, forty cents of that is borrowed.    On the right side of the debt negotiations, Tea Party Republicans and Conservatives were outright opposed to tax increases and closing tax loopholes that allow those to avoid paying taxes at their tax rate; while Democrats were deeply opposed to spending cuts that would impact Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. If one thing has been demonstrated, it is that this government can be highly dysfunctional when it comes time to do something that will help the United State...