Why Mitt Romney Lost the Presidential Election

On November 6 th , 2012, President Barack Obama defeated former Governor Mitt Romney by a decent sized margin. Many political pundits on the right were baffled as to how Mitt Romney could have lost, especially with the economy recovering so slowly, as some Americans feel. The answer to that comes in two parts. Aside from Mitt Romney being a bad candidate, it is also due to the Republican Party being so out of touch with mainstream America. Mitt Romney has taken numerous positions on some very controversial topics. One day he was pro-choice and the following day he was pro-life. He was a believer in climate change, then he flip flopped and was no longer a believer in it. These flip flops would continue to grow across other hot topics that would lead voters to question who he really was and what he believed in. His economic policy almost mirrored what Paul Ryan had proposed earlier this year. It was highly unpopular amongst Amer...