The Importance and Lessons of the Persian Gulf War

After reading an article in the New York Times by Michael R. Gordon, titled “ 1991 Victory Over Iraq Was Swift, but Hardly Flawless ”, I thought it was a well written article, but I disagreed with a few points the author makes that I would like to address. Mr. Gordon suggests that the Persian Gulf War was not flawless, as the end result left Saddam Hussein in power, as well as the Iraqi war machine, otherwise known as the Iraqi military, intact, which paved the way for the 2003 Iraq War. Also, he quotes Walter E. Boomer, the retired general who led the Marine attack into Kuwait, by referencing his belief as whether or not the 1991 Persian Gulf War ended too soon, " I continue to be asked if we stopped too soon,” he said. “The answer in retrospect is ‘yes.’ ” . Granted, military actions in combat do not always go as they are planned, but in the case of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, I believe the best way to examine it is to look at the bigger picture. Taking Saddam Hussei...