
Showing posts from March, 2012

Obamacare and the Constitutionality of the Individual Mandate

If you have all been keeping up with the news, it is impossible to not see the headlines dealing with the healthcare battle in the Supreme Court of the United States.   The main argument in this case is whether or not the federal government can mandate all Americans to purchase healthcare insurance if they do not already have it.   The individual mandate, which originated as a Republican idea, would require that all Americans purchase minimum health care coverage starting in 2014, as stated in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.            Donald Verrilli Jr., speaking at the Supreme Court in favor of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare; argued that this law is a valid response to a crisis in the market of health care.   The individual mandate regulates how people are going to pay for healthcare services, which is and always will be a universal need.   It is also important to keep ...

President Obama is Not a “Do-Nothing” president.

Throughout the GOP debates, candidates have criticized President Obama for not doing enough on a variety of issues, which include the economy, jobs, gas prices and his stance on Iran’s nuclear program.  In reality, the GOP candidates are wrong and President Obama stands a very good chance for reelection because of what he has done in while in office. The recession that resulted from the market crash of 2008 put the United States in its biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression.  Many have this perception that presidents can fully control the direction of the economy.  The truth is that they cannot and most of that power in government rests with Congress.  Nevertheless, voters still hold the president accountable when the economy tanks and praise him when it grows.  Since January, 2012, the economy has been growing and unemployment has been decreasing .   If this trend continues through the Presidential Debates in the fall, President Oba...

The Church, The GOP, and Contraception

Over the last couple of weeks, contraception has become an issue that has dominated the media.  In fact, there was even a hearing held by Congressman Darrell Issa, a Republican, yet it featured six male witnesses and not one woman.   Their stance on this issue is further damaging and tarnishing the GOP in the eyes of female voters.  Aside from the fact that this was a ridiculous spectacle, I find it wrong and sexist that not one woman was featured as a witness.  Many women have been voicing two main points over these hearings.  The first is that these politicians clearly are not on their side, and the second is they do not understand their life and what it is like to be a woman. After having this whole issue out in the open, many women feel that Republicans just do not get it. Mitt Romney’s position on birth control further demonstrates that he really has no core values.  He has flip-flopped on thi...