The Church, The GOP, and Contraception

Over the last couple of weeks, contraception has become an issue that has dominated the media.  In fact, there was even a hearing held by Congressman Darrell Issa, a Republican, yet it featured six male witnesses and not one woman.   Their stance on this issue is further damaging and tarnishing the GOP in the eyes of female voters. 

Aside from the fact that this was a ridiculous spectacle, I find it wrong and sexist that not one woman was featured as a witness.  Many women have been voicing two main points over these hearings.  The first is that these politicians clearly are not on their side, and the second is they do not understand their life and what it is like to be a woman.

After having this whole issue out in the open, many women feel that Republicans just do not get it.
Mitt Romney’s position on birth control further demonstrates that he really has no core values.  He has flip-flopped on this issue and proved that he will say anything to get elected.

Rick Santorum, though he has not flip-flopped on this issue and has always been against birth control, just shows how much of a right wing extremist and how out of touch he is with the views of most everyday Americans.

Instead of the GOP talking about social issues like birth control, why aren’t they talking about real issues like creating jobs?  The longer the GOP goes with this issue, the more unelectable their candidates become.    

To add to this issue, there are those that feel religious freedoms have also been questioned.  This is when the Catholic Church and GOP, in a partisan effort, stepped up and vowed to fight the Obama administration compromise on insurance coverage for contraception and sterilization.  They have denounced it as unconstitutional and dangerous.  This is quite ridiculous since President Obama has said Catholic Hospitals do not have to participate, but the insurance companies do.

Also, it is important to remember that the Catholic Hospital Association supports the new compromise regulation by the Obama administration.

Instead of standing up, the Catholic Church should have stayed seated and kept quiet.  There are many Catholic hospitals across the United States that have offered sterilization services for women.  Since being called out on it, Bishops are now going to start cracking down on it.  The typical “do as I say, not as I do”.

The Catholic Church claims to have a firm and moral stance on all issues, yet they have been hypocritical on so many issues.  One must remember that the church is not God…it is a human institution that is susceptible to error and sin. 

The Catholic Church is the same institution that has protected guilty clergymen of child molestation, but it wants to tell others how to live their lives morally.

The Catholic Church, which is extremely reluctant to grant marriage annulments, had no problem granting one to Senator Ted Kennedy after three children and 24 years of marriage.  The reason for this was that he entered into the marriage with reservations.

On the same topic of marriage, a few Bishops attended Newt Gingrich’s third wedding, but they just happened to overlook that Newt was committing sin by having extramarital affairs.

I find it extremely hard to believe that the church could not find a way to accommodate the compromise by the Obama administration; that Catholic hospitals do not have to offer employees contraceptive care, but their insurance companies do.  A lawyer makes these distinctions every day.

This is not liberty and freedom, as our Founding Fathers laid it out.  It is quite the opposite and exactly what the First Amendment was drafted to avoid.  To add to this, not one person is being forced to use birth control; it is a choice made by that individual and nobody else.  Any religious organization has the right to believe in whatever they choose, but how dare they try and enforce their views and beliefs onto others.  Essentially, the church and its GOP partners would be pushing their religious views onto millions of American women.


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